Data Collection on Village Development Data Update (Updating Podes 2020) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Belitung Timur Regency

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Data Collection on Village Development Data Update (Updating Podes 2020)

Data Collection on Village Development Data Update (Updating Podes 2020)

July 2, 2020 | BPS Activities

To produce data for regional development needs, provide data on regional potentials, availability of infrastructure / facilities as well as socioeconomic conditions in each village, the Central Statistics Agency conducts Data on Updating Village Development Data (Updating Podes 2020), data that is updated includes basic services, the condition of infrastructure, accessibility / transportation and some other data used for the purposes of calculating the village development index and geographical difficulty index, to record all villages in East Belitung district, BPS fielded 5 officers consisting of 4 enumerators with details of 2 people coming from organic BPS and 2 statistical partners and 1 supervisor from BPS organic, activities carried out from 15 June to 17 July 2020, data collection officers were always emphasized to continue to comply with the health protocol co-19 prevention with the use of masks and always carry hand sanitize r.
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