Rural Price Survey Officer Briefing in 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Belitung Timur Regency

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Rural Price Survey Officer Briefing in 2021

Rural Price Survey Officer Briefing in 2021

January 13, 2021 | Other Activities

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at the BPS Meeting Room, Belitung Timur Regency, a Briefing of the Village Consumer Price Survey (SHPED) for Belitung Timur Regency was held. This activity was attended by 4 statistical partners and 3 BPS employees who will serve as enumerators and 2 BPS employees who will serve as Supervisor. SHPED is conducted to collect price data at the producer level to calculate the price index received by farmers (It) and the price at the rural consumer level to measure the price index paid by farmers (Ib).
The output produced from this activity is the Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) which is used as an indicator to measure the purchasing power / ability of rural farmers. In his remarks Mr. Azhar as the head of the BPS-Statistics of Belitung Timur Regency reminded the importance of improved implementation based on the results of the evaluation of activities in previous years so that this year's activities could run better, besides that he emphasized the importance of health protocols in this survey activity so that people do not need to hesitate in communicating with the officers.
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